PIME’S – Play It More Efficient, Sam
PIME’S is part of the CONCERTO project (Energy solutions for smart cities and communities) 7th Framework Programme (FP7) for research, technological development and demonstration of the EU on the subject of ENERGY.
In three calls so far 22 applications have been accepted and granted support. 23 countries and 58 urban communities will be involved in the projects. The initiative aims to build community-scale demonstrations for the integrated use of energy efficiency and large scale renewable energy sources. Priority will be given to the presentation of poly-generation technologies (parallel cooling, heating and electric energy supply).
The PIME'S project won the third call of Concerto concluded in October 2008, with the highest evaluation score. The supported towns / communities are: Dale/Sandnes, Norway; Salburua/Vitoria-Gasteiz Spain, Basque Country; and Szentendre Hungary. In connection with the project a total of 9034,7 m2 renovations, 6545,2 m2 new constructions and 1905 MW renewable energy production will be established, and the CO2 emission is planned to be reducedby 70%.
The PIME'S project started on 1 December 2009, and will run until 30 November 2014; coordinator: Rogeland county, Norway. Other Hungarian cities in the CONCERTO communities are: Óbuda and the Faluház ("Village House") (Staccato projekt) from the second call and Mórahalom with the community buildings (GEOCOM projekt) from the third call.
The 14 project partners of the PIME'S project international consortium are from Hungary, Norway, Germany and Spain. The Hungarian partners are: ÉMI Non-Profit Limited Liability Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building, Municipality of Szentendre, Városi Szolgáltató Zrt. (Municipal Services), METeOR Kft.
The joint Research & Development and Demonstration functions of the PIMES project and persons responsible:
micro-grid smart grid systems for providing heat and electricity supply (TECNALIA/ES)
biomass-based combined heat and electricity production, heat pump heating and cooling (METEOR Kft./HU)
use of recycled insulation materials in the renovation of buildings, use of bio-climatic principles in design, architecturally integrated active and passive solar systems, sunspaces, green roofs and green facades, effective summer heat protection with innovative shading (ÉMI/HU)
development of large seasonal temperature reservoirs (SOLITES/DE)
third-party funding schemes (ESCO) - development and application (VISESA/ES) monitoring, training, awareness raising and information (ROGELAND/NO)

Figure 1 ÉMI Nonprofit Kft. new office building design
Szentendre elements of the PIMES project
renovation of the industrialized residential buildings in the Püspökmajor housing estate
the Püspökmajor kindergarten energy renovations continued
VSZ Zrt. office building energy renovation
energy efficient design of the new office building of ÉMI Nonprofit Kft.
biogas based combined heat and power generation
heating and cooling heat pump system, using wastewater heat
biomass-based cogeneration in district heating development
renewable electricity generation with building-integrated solar cells

Figure 2 Planned residential building renovation
Innovative elements of the new office building
low energy consumption: category A+
increased insulation (for example 25 cm on side walls instead of 10 cm) and the use of energy-efficient windows and doors
high thermal inertia, which reduces the cooling / warming cycle
recycled insulating materials: rock wool facade insulation, light concrete roof insulation with polystyrene additives
geometric shading of the south side with tilted glazing for heat protection in the summer
increasing the proportion of solid surfaces
green facade for thermal damping
open water for thermal damping
seasonal canopy system to shade glass surfaces of the courtyard
green roof surfaces: thermal damping, rain and dust control
mobile shading for summer heat protection on the west facade
double-shell climate facade at the south corner
low-temperature heating/cooling system - structural and ceiling type
building energy management system
supplying the remaining energy demand by "green" power
utilization of biogas for cogeneration
heating and cooling heat pump system through the utilization of heat from treated waste water
use of solar panels integrated into the building

Figure 3 Renovation plan with integrated solar panel
Project information
Duration of the project: 01.12.2009.-30.11.2014. (60 months)
Program: FP7, Concerto III, ENERGY-TREN-1, Collaborative Project
ÉMI's role in the project: partner, national coordinator and team leader,
Participating partners: ÉMI, Szentendre, VSZ Zrt., METEOR Kft., Vitoria, TECNALIA, VISESA, EVE, ACCIONA, Rogaland, Dale, Sandnes, IRIS, SOLITES