The purpose of the BUILD UP Skills (building energy training) initiative is, to adjust the vocational education and training systems to the skill and qualification demands in terms of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. ÉMI Non-profit Llc. is involved in the project in Hungary as a consortium leader.
The Build Up Skills Hungary (BUSH) project is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Intelligent Energy-Europe program along with 29 other European countries. Each participating country will implement the projects along the same topics. The BUSH project started in November 2011, and will run for 18 months.
The program is designed to include the topics of energy efficiency and renewable energy into the continuous (specialist) training system of qualified construction workers, to design a national qualification platform and action plan (roadmap) up to 2020, and to support the step-by-step development of training / certification schemes associated with energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy.
Tasks defined in the project
For more details and information on the project's results please visit